Heartworms cause a disease that can be lethal to your pets. However, heartworm infections are preventable with the right veterinary care and precautions at home. Protecting your pet from heartworms is easier than you might think. Use these tips to help minimize the risk of infection to your pet.
Keep Mosquitos Away
One way to protect your pet from heartworms is to take measures to keep mosquitos away from your yard. Avoid stagnant water, as this is a big draw for mosquitos. Another good idea is to use pet-friendly insecticide and/or citronella candles to repel mosquitos and other bugs. All it takes is one mosquito carrying heartworm larvae to infect your pet, so even with the best mosquito repellent tactics, you should use specific measures for heartworm prevention as well.
Heartworm Prevention Medication
The best way to protect your pet is by giving them heartworm prevention medication throughout the year. No matter where you live, there is a possibility of mosquitos visiting your yard, and you never know which ones are carrying larvae. Preventive medication is easy to get a prescription for from your veterinarian, and it is not difficult to give to your pet. Options include a monthly pill, topical medicine, or injections.
Regular Check-Ups
Regular visits to the veterinarian are an important part of having a pet. Regular immunizations will reduce vulnerability to dangerous pet illnesses, but it will enable your veterinarian to do routine blood work to check for heartworms. If your dog has heartworms, the earlier they are detected, the better their chances of recovery through treatment. Even if you are giving your pet prevention medication, testing is recommended since prevention is not 100 percent effective, especially if doses are missed.
Call your veterinary office today to discuss heartworm disease prevention options for your pet.